Asheville Citizen-Times: What’s Hot: Making Like a Little Easier for All Ages


Paperclip’s Color Changing dinnerware line (, also available on Amazon, $13.50+) is made of food-grade silicone and checks all the boxes to last from first solids through years of meals. The line includes a color changing spork and spoon set and a bowl and plate that suction to the high chair tray or tabletop. The best part for kids? The items are heat-reactive so they change color when activated by warm foods. For parents, the suction to the table saves messes. They are BPA-free and the bowl and plate are dishwasher and microwave safe. And each piece comes in a reusable, resealable snack bag.







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The Willow is a modern take on the essential diaper bag! The built in changing station is a life saver. Fashion and function at its best !!! I love my willow

Melissa | Verified Buyer